Gratitude 🙏

Grititude means to me is what we are thankful of and to return kindness to the people that they are kind to you. I am thankful for my family specially for my baby sister. My baby sister is the most sweetest, smartest, and cutest baby ever! I wished to have a baby sister or a baby brother for my whole life because I want a person that I can play, take care of, and to love! Now, I have a baby sister to play, take care of, and specially to love for my whole life.


  1. Hi Janna,
    I enjoyed reading your post!
    I have a couple questions!
    What is you baby sister's name?
    What else are you thankful for?
    Here are some blogging tips!
    Use correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
    Use detail and fully explain.
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    Emma H

  2. This was a very good post! It was well written and heartfelt. I loved reading it. Thank you for sharing this week.


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